
Hastings, PA

Hastings is a city in the state of pennsylvania with a population of roughly 2,271. It is in Cambria County, Pennsylvania the Johnstown, PA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Johnstown-Somerset, PA combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 16646 .

The Price of Home in Hastings, PA

Hastings, Pennsylvania is a small town located in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania. The population of Hastings was 2,872 as of the 2010 census. Hastings is located in Northampton County and is bordered by Easton to the north, Bethlehem to the east, Allentown to the south and West Bethlehem to the west.

The history of real estate in Hastings dates back to 1798 when David Hastings purchased land along what is now known as South Street from William Penn for use as a mill site. The first house was built in 1801 on what is now known as North Street. The town grew slowly at first but began to develop rapidly after the arrival of the railroad in 1851. By 1870, Hastings had a population of 1,000 and by 1900 it had reached 3,000. Today, Hastings remains a small town with a population that has remained relatively stable over time.

Real estate in Hastings can be classified into three main categories: residential properties (houses and apartments), commercial properties (stores and restaurants) and industrial properties (factories and warehouses). Residential properties are generally more expensive than commercial or industrial properties but offer a more diverse range of amenities such as proximity to shopping malls or schools. Commercial properties are generally cheaper than residential properties but may not offer as many amenities or be situated near major transportation hubs. Industrial properties are generally less expensive than either commercial or residentialproperties but may not offer as many amenities or be situated near major transportation hubs.

Hastings has an extensive array of housing options available for residents including single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes and four-plexes. Most homes are either brick or frame construction with vinyl siding although there are also some newer homes made out of composite materials such as aluminum frames with vinyl siding. There are also a numberof condominiums available for purchase which can be divided into two types: high-rise condos which typically have 12 stories or more while low-rise condos typically have six stories or less . There is alsoa limited numberof apartments available for rent which can be found throughout the town . Apartments vary widely in terms of size from studios up to three bedrooms . Amenities commonly included with apartment complexes include pools , gyms , tennis courts , playgrounds and grocery stores .

The cost of housing varies greatly depending on location within Hastings however most homes typically cost between $100K - $300K . The median price per square foot for houses was $119 while apartments averaged $128 per square foot .

The majorityof commercial property consists of small businesses such as restaurants , convenience stores and gas stations however there has been an increasein investment into larger businesses over recent years including medical offices , technology companiesand even breweries . Commercial property tendsto cost between $50K - $200K per acre while industrial property costs between $10K -$50K per acre .

There is currently no significant development plannedfor real estate in Hastings however there has been speculation that new retail developments could take place along South Street near downtownwhich would bring additional jobs and economic growth to the community

Price Index: Johnstown, PA

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