
Saegertown, PA

Saegertown is a city in the state of pennsylvania with a population of roughly 5,148. It is in Crawford County, Pennsylvania the Meadville, PA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Erie-Meadville, PA combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 16433 .

The Price of Home in Saegertown, PA

Real estate in Saegertown, PA is a hot commodity. The town has seen an influx of people in recent years, and with that comes a need for more housing. There are currently no major developments planned for the town, so real estate prices are likely to continue to rise.

The average price of a home in Saegertown is $269,000. This is significantly higher than the average price of a home in Pennsylvania as a whole, which is $158,500. The reason for this discrepancy is likely due to the fact that Saegertown has plenty of amenities that make it desirable to live in, such as its close proximity to Philadelphia and its many hiking and biking trails.

There are currently only six homes available for sale in Saegertown. Given the high demand for property here, it's likely that prices will continue to increase over time. If you're looking to buy property in Saegertown, be prepared to pay top dollar – there's simply not much available at this point in time.

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