Zip Code:

16433, Saegertown, PA

16433 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Saegertown and the county of Crawford County. Its population is roughly 5,148.

Real Estate in the 16433 Zip Code of Saegertown, PA

The 16433 zip code of Saegertown, PA is located in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania. The zip code has a population of approximately 5,000 and has an average household income of $60,000. The average home value in the 16433 zip code is $169,500.

The 16433 zip code has a median home price that is significantly higher than the Pennsylvania median home price of $130,000. This indicates that there are a greater number of homes in the 16433 zip code that are worth more than the median home value in Pennsylvania. The percentage of homes in the 16433 zip code that are worth more than $200,000 is also higher than the statewide percentage of homes that are worth more than $200,000. This indicates that there is a greater concentration of expensive homes in the 16433 zip code compared to other parts of Pennsylvania.

The16433 zip code has a high rate of homeownership compared to other parts of Pennsylvania. Approximately 84%of households in the 16433 zipcode own their homes, which is higher than the statewide homeownership rate of 68%. This indicates that there are a greater numberof people who own their homes in the16433zipcodethaninotherpartsofthestate.

There is also a high rateofhomeequityinthe16433zipcode. Approximately 88%of households have at least some equity in their homes, which is higherthanthestatewidehomeequityrateof74%.Thisindicatesthatmorehouseholdsinthe164333zipcodehaveenoughmoneytoselltheirhomesoraccessancesthattheyneedforthemoneyvalueofthehomesinthespaceofthesetips.(Zillow)

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