
Abilene, TX

Abilene is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 130,737. It is in Taylor County, Texas the Abilene, TX core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 79602 ,79605 .

Price Trends in Abilene, TX

Real estate in Abilene, TX is a hot commodity. The city has seen an influx of people in recent years, and with that comes a need for more housing. There are currently plenty of homes for sale in the area, and prices are steadily increasing.

The city is located in Taylor County, which is one of the most populous counties in Texas. It has a population of over 100,000 people and is growing rapidly. There are many different types of real estate available in Abilene, including single family homes, townhomes, condos, and apartments.

The median price for a home in Abilene was $130,000 as of September 2017. This figure has increased by over 20% since 2016 and there are still plenty of properties available at this price range. Properties that are closer to the city tend to be more expensive than those that are further away; however, there are also many affordable options available if you're looking for something within your budget.

If you're interested in buying a home in Abilene, it's important to research all the different options available before making any decisions. You can find information about current listings on websites like Zillow or Trulia or by contacting your local real estate agents.

Price Index: Abilene, TX

Zip codes in Abilene


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