
Junction, TX

Junction is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 3,785. It is in Kimble, Texas Its Zip codes include 76849 .

Trends in Junction, TX Home Prices

Junction is a small town located in central Texas. The population of Junction was just over 2,000 in the 2010 census. The town is located on U.S. Highway 281, about 30 miles south of Abilene and 60 miles north of Wichita Falls. Junction is known for its oil and gas production, as well as its agricultural industry.

Real estate in Junction is primarily residential, with a few commercial properties scattered throughout the town. The median price for homes in Junction was $127,500 in January 2016 according to Zillow data. The average list price for homes during that same period was $135,000. There are currently just under 100 homes available for sale in Junction, which indicates that demand for housing remains high despite the current market conditions.

The primary reason why people choose to live in Junction is because of its proximity to both major cities: Abilene and Wichita Falls. Both cities have a wide variety of businesses and attractions that can be enjoyed by residents of Junction. Additionally, both cities are relatively close to one another so residents can easily travel between them without having to spend too much time on the road.

Despite the positive factors associated with living in Junction, there are some drawbacks that should be considered when looking into purchasing or selling a home here. First and foremost, the economy has been struggling recently so it may be difficult to find a property that meets your needs at this time (although this may change over time). Additionally, there isn't much diversity present within the community so if you're looking for something different than what's available then you may not be happy living here long-term (although this could also change over time). Overall though, real estate in Junction remains strong overall so if you're interested in buying or selling a home here then you should definitely do your research first!

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