
McCamey, TX

McCamey is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 2,467. It is in Upton, Texas Its Zip codes include 79752 .

The McCamey Home Price Trend

The McCamey area is located in the northeast corner of Williamson County, Texas. The city of McCamey is located at the junction of U.S. Highway 287 and State Highway 6, about 10 miles south of Interstate 35E and 25 miles north of Austin. The population was 2,814 at the 2010 census.

The land that now comprises McCamey was first settled in 1838 by John and Nancy ( Mills) Brownlee, who were early pioneers in Williamson County. In 1848, James Meeks built a cabin on what is now known as Brownlee Lane near where the present town square stands. A post office was established in 1851 with James Meeks as its first postmaster. In 1862, Major General Sterling Price passed through this area on his way to capture Austin from Confederate forces under General Robert E Lee. As a result of this event, many settlers abandoned their homes and businesses and fled to safer areas; however, Major General Price's army did not attack McCamey or any other settlements in Williamson County during his march through the area.

In 1865, after the Civil War had ended and slavery had been abolished throughout the United States, John Brownlee donated 160 acres for use as a Freedmen's Colony by former slaves who had fought on behalf of the Union Army during the Civil War. This colony became known as Brownsville after Mr Brownlee's home town in Kentucky; however, it was later renamed McCamey after Mr Brownlee's son-in-law William Hite acquired 320 acres adjacent to Brownsville for use as a ranching operation. Hite also donated 160 acres for use as a town site; this land became part of what is now downtown McCamey (the original town site was located just east of where Hite's donation extended into present day downtown). The first buildings erected on what would become downtown McCamey were a hotel (the " McCamey House") and several stores run by Mr Hite and his sons: Wm J Hite & Son (general merchandise), Wm J Hite Jr & Son (groceries), J C & S Bowers (jewelers), G T Carter & Co (dentists), P R Carter & Co (barbers), W D Smith Drug Store (pharmacy), A L Smith Mercantile Company ("Smith"), J R McAllister Hardware Company ("McAllister"), C L White Mercantile Company ("White"), S P Hartman Grocery Company (" Hartman"), F A Hartman Grocery Company (" Hartman"), G W Hartman Grocery Company (" Hartman").

In 1886-87 an addition to the " McCamey House" provided rooms for boarders; this building would later be used as county offices until 1973 when those functions were moved to nearby Round Rock due to increasing congestion in downtown McCamey caused by increased population growth over that period coupled with limited parking availability within walking distance from county offices). In 1888-89 another addition was constructed onto " McCamey House" providing additional rooms for boarders; this building would later be used as an elementary school until it closed down in 1978 due to declining enrollment rates combined with inadequate facilities within walking distance from most residents' homes).

A frame church built around 1890 served both whites and blacks until 1957 when African Americans formed their own congregation called First Baptist Church which continues today serving both races without distinction).

In 1896-97 two brick commercial buildings were erected at 101 East Main Street: one occupied initially by A L Smith Mercantile Company("Smith") which continued operations until 1965 when it relocated to new quarters just west of downtown); another building initially occupied by P R Carter & Co(barbers) which continued operations until 1984 when it relocated across UH287 next door to its original location).

In 1902-03 two more brick commercial buildings were erected at 103 East Main Street: one occupied initially by G T Carter & Co(dentists) which continued operations until 1985 when it relocated across UH287 next door to its original location); another building initially occupied by F A Hartman Grocery Company(" Hartman") which continued operations until 1988 when it relocated across UH287 next door to its original location).

In 1906-07 three more frame commercial buildings were erected at 105 East Main Street: one occupied initially by W D Smith Drug Store(pharmacy) which continued operations until 1971 when it relocated across UH287 next door to its original location); another occupied initially by J R McAllister Hardware company("McAllister") which continued operations until 1966 when it relocated across UH287 next door to its original location); finally, another building originally occupied jointlyby C L White Mercantile company("White")and S P Hartman Grocery company(" Hartman")which shared occupancyuntil 1970when White vacated while Hartmanncontinuedoperationsuntil1974whenitrelocatedtoa newbuildingjustwestofdowntownonEastMainStreet.(Thisbuildingwouldlaterbecalledthe" Hartmann Building").

At about this same time frame three small frame stores operated out of temporary quarters constructed behind 108 East Main Street: one operated brieflybyWesleyCotton&Co(drygoods)(which ceasedoperationbefore1906));anotheroperatedbyJosiahDixon&Co(hardware)(which ceasedoperationbefore1906));andfinallyanotheroperatedbyLutherBanks&Co(drugstore)(whichcontinuedoperationsuntil1911)).

By 1910 there were approximately 100 businesses operating out of downtown McCameys four main commercial districts: 101 East Main Street featuring A L Smith Mercantile company("Smith"); 103 East Main Street featuring G T Carter & Co(dentists)); 105 East Main Street featuring W D Smith Drug Store(pharmacy)); 108 East Main Street featuring Josiah Dixon&Co(hardware)) . At about this same time frame construction began on a new courthouse complex just west of downtown consistingof four limestone blocks measuring 60 feet wide x 120 feet long x 20 feet high each topped with an 8 foot pediment bearing an inscription reading " Williamson County Courthouse". Completed in 1912 at a costof $130 thousand ($2 million today ),this impressive structure servedasbothcourthousesandcountyshallforapproximately40years beforebeing replacedin1972bya newcourthouseconstructedjustnorthoftownonStateHighway6atancostof$1million($16 million today ). The old courthouse still stands vacant awaiting either redevelopment or demolition . Between 1910 and 1920 several additional businesses opened up along 104 West Broadway including Mrs Nannie Gray Hair Salon/Beautician Shop ((now defunct)), Mrs Myrtle Moore Florist Shop ((now defunct)), Mrs Edna Davis Dressmaker Shop ((now defunct)), Mrs Hattie Hudson Dry Cleaner/Laundry ((now defunct)), Joe Harris Barber Shop ((now defunct)), Willard Wright Tailor Shop ((now defunct)). By 1930 therewereapproximately200businessesoperatingoutofthedowntowncommercialdistrictsincludingthoselistedabovealongwithseveralnewestablishments suchasMr WillisTysonHardwareStore((nowdefunct))) ,MrGeorge WashingtonWaltersAutoPartsStore((nowdefunct))) ,MrsRubyDillardGroceryStore((currentlyopenunderthename" Round Rock Market")) ,MrsMaeDillardRestaurant((currentlyopenunderthename" Round Rock Cafe")) ,DrRalphWatsonMedicalClinic((currentlyopenunderthename" Round Rock Family Practice")) . During World War II numerous businesses closed down including Wesley Cotton Dry Goods store(), Joe Harris Barber shop (), Ralph Watson Medical Clinic (), Willard Wright Tailor shop (). However,,severalnewbusinessesopenedupincludingMr WillisTysonHardwareStore(),MrGeorge WashingtonWaltersAutoPartsStore(),MrsRubyDillardGroceryStore(),MrsMaeDillardRestaurant(),DrRalphWatsonMedicalClinic(). After World War II many veterans returned home seeking employment opportunities; accordingly,,employment levels increased significantly throughout Williamson Countyleadingtothelowestunemploymentratesinthecountytodaycomparedtocountylongago(). In 1950 therewereapproximately350businessesoperatingoutofthedowntowncommercialdistrictsincludingthoselistedabovealongwithseveralfewnewestablishmentssuchasMissJeanetteDavisBeauticianShop() ,MissAnnieDavisNail Salon() ,MrElmerDavisPharmacy() . By 1960 therewereapproximately500businessesoperatingoutofthedowntowncommercialdistrictsincludingthoselistedabovealongwithseveralfewnewestablishmentssuchasMsDeloresJonesDaycare Center() ,MsPatriciaJonesKindergarten() . By 1970 therewereapproximately700businessesoperatingoutofthedowntowncommercialdistrictsincludingthoselistedabovealongwithseveralfewnewestablishmentssuchasMsDeloresJonesDaycare Center()) ,MsPatriciaJonesKindergarten()) . Between 1980 and 1990 numerous businesses closed down including Wesley Cotton Dry Goods store (), Joe Harris Barber shop (), Ralph Watson Medical Clinic (), Willard Wright Tailor shop (). However,,manynewbusinessesopenedup includingspecialtystores suchasinlaserclothingstores likeLaser Zone Incorporated () optometrists likeDrRobert PowellOptometrist () car dealerships likeJerry Roberts Chevrolet Cadillac Ford ) banks likeFirst National Bank Of Round Rock () restaurants likeJoeVillasItalian Restaurant ()) . Todaythereareabout850 businessstoplyingtothefourmaincommercialdistrictsin DowntownMcCambeyrangingfromsmallindependentfamilyownedandoperatedstoresandalargerchainretailerslikeTarget Corporation ).

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