
Navasota, TX

Navasota is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 17,142. It is in Grimes, Texas Its Zip codes include 77868 .

Price Trends in Navasota, TX

Real estate in Navasota, TX is a hot commodity. With a population of just over 10,000 people, Navasota is a small town that has seen explosive growth in recent years. This growth has led to an increase in the demand for real estate in Navasota, TX.

The median home price in Navasota, TX is currently $269,900. This price represents an increase of over 20% from the median home price of $216,500 which was recorded during the same period last year. The average list price for homes available for sale in Navasota during the first quarter of 2018 was $269,900. This represents an increase of over 10% from the average list price of $246,700 which was recorded during the same period last year.

The majority of homes available for sale in Navasota are single-family residences. However, there are also a number of multi-family units available for purchase as well. The availability and popularity of multi-family units may be due to the fact that they are more affordable than single-family residences and they offer more space than traditional apartments or condos do.

When it comes to buying a home in Navasota, TX buyers should keep in mind that there are several important factors that they should consider when making their purchase decision. These factors include: location; size; layout; and amenities/features offered by the property being purchased.

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