Zip Code:

77868, Navasota, TX

77868 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Navasota and the county of Grimes. Its population is roughly 17,142.

The Real Estate Market in the 77868 Zip Code of Navasota, TX

The Navasota, TX 77868 zip code has a population of around 16,000 people and is located in Williamson County. The median household income in the 77868 zip code is $67,000 which is lower than the national median household income of $59,000. The unemployment rate in the 77868 zip code is around 5% which is lower than the national unemployment rate of 6%.

The home equity and home prices in the 77868 zip code are below average when compared to other areas of Texas. The average home value in Williamson County is $198,500 while the average home value in Navasota is $128,900. This indicates that there are a lot of homes for sale in the 77868 zip code but few homes that are selling for above their asking price.

One reason that there are fewer homes selling for above their asking price may be because there are a lot of homes for sale in the 77868 zip code. There were 1,711 homes listed for sale on Zillow as of March 2019 which is more than double the number of homes listed for sale five years ago (546). This increase in inventory may be causing buyers to wait to purchase a home until they can find one that meets their needs and budget.

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