
Colonial Heights, VA

Colonial Heights is a city in the state of virginia with a population of roughly 26,017. It is in Colonial Heights city, Virginia the Richmond, VA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 23834 .

Price Trends in Colonial Heights, VA

Real estate in Colonial Heights, VA is a hot commodity. The city has a population of just over 36,000 people and is located just outside of Washington D.C. This makes it an ideal location for those looking for suburban living without the hustle and bustle of the city.

The real estate market in Colonial Heights is very competitive, with homes typically selling within a week or two of being listed. There are several factors that contribute to this high demand: Colonial Heights is located close to both Washington D.C. and Richmond, which means there is a large pool of potential buyers; the city has excellent schools and infrastructure; and there are plenty of amenities available, including shopping malls, restaurants, and recreational facilities.

One thing to note about Colonial Heights real estate is that prices can vary significantly depending on the location and condition of the home. In general, newer homes tend to be more expensive than older ones, while properties in good condition can sell for considerably more than those in poor condition. However, no matter what your budget may be, there should be at least one property available that meets your needs within the city limits.

Price Index: Richmond, VA

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