
Morton, WA

Morton is a city in the state of washington with a population of roughly 2,010. It is in Lewis County, Washington the Centralia, WA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Seattle-Tacoma, WA combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 98356 .

The Price of Home in Morton, WA

Morton is a small town located in the northwest corner of Washington. The population was just over 2,000 in 2010. Morton was founded in 1892 and named for Morton County, which was named for General Oliver Hazard Perry. The economy of Morton is largely based on agriculture and logging. However, the town has seen some growth in recent years as it has become a popular location for retirees.

Real estate in Morton is generally priced lower than other areas of Washington, although there are a few exceptions. The average home price in Morton was $183,000 in 2016 according to Zillow. This is significantly lower than the statewide average of $371,500 and the national average of $269,200. The median household income in Morton was just over $60,000 per year according to 2016 census data. This is also considerably lower than the statewide median income of $84,500 and the national median income of $53,046. However, despite these low prices and incomes there are still many homes available for sale or rent in Morton.

One reason why real estate prices are relatively low in Morton may be because there are not many large commercial or industrial developments nearby. Instead, most businesses and jobs are located within commuting distance of Seattle or Tacoma. This could make it difficult for businesses or families to relocate to Morton if they want access to more opportunities and greater economic stability elsewhere in Washington state or nationwide.

Despite its low prices and modest incomes, real estate market conditions appear to be improving slightly in Morton over recent years due to increasing demand from retirees who have been moving into the area due to its mild climate and scenic surroundings.. There is also potential growth potential due to increased interest from developers who may want to build new residential or commercial properties within the town limits.. Overall though real estate conditions appear stable at this time but they could change rapidly depending on economic factors outside of town control such as regional unemployment rates or changes made by federal government policy affecting housing affordability nationwide

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