
Sammamish, WA

Sammamish is a city in the state of washington with a population of roughly 52,771. It is in King County, Washington the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Seattle-Tacoma, WA combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 98075 ,98074 .

Trends in Home Prices in Sammamish, WA

Sammamish is a town located in King County, Washington, United States. The population was 36,814 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Seattle metropolitan area.

The Sammamish River runs through the town and provides much of its water supply. The town was originally named for Chief Sammamish of the Duwamish and Suquamish tribes who resided there in 1854. The first white settler in Sammamish was Jens Jensen, who arrived in 1876. He built a cabin on land that he had purchased from Chief Sammamish. In 1880, Jens's son-in-law, Ole Hanson erected a store near Jensen's cabin and began to trade goods with the local Indians. In 1881, Ole Hanson platted a townsite on his property and named it " Sammamish". A post office was established there under that name in 1882; it remained open until 1907.

In 1889, Hansen sold his interest in the town to A.L. Wilcoxen and Wm Denny; they formed the first company to develop real estate in Sammamish by platting lots and selling them to settlers. By 1900, there were thirty-six buildings in Sammamish; by 1910 this number had increased to eighty-eight buildings. The early businesses included a blacksmith shop, general store, hotel (the Pioneer), bakery (the Dutch Baker), meat market (the Packing House), two churches (Methodist and Congregational), two schools (one for boys and one for girls), an ice plant (owned by Ole Hanson) and several farms including one operated by Hansen's son Christian Hansen which grew apples, pears and cherries commercially as well as supplying local residents with fresh produce year round

In 1916 Christian Hansen donated land for what would become Central Park which today encompasses over . During World War II many young men left home to serve their country; when they returned many found jobs but few homes because of wartime rationing

After World War II housing became available again but this time it was not limited to veterans only Many families moved into newly constructed subdivisions such as Arbor Hills or Green Acres which were developed beginning around 1950 Today there are over 100 subdivisions within Sammamish boundaries

Today real estate continues to be an important part of life in Sammamish with new construction occurring regularly both downtown along Highway 99 as well as throughout the outlying neighborhoods Some recent examples include: The Village at Arbor Hills which includes shops along Highway 99 as well as apartments above retail space; Legacy Village at Green Acres which includes upscale condos overlooking Lake Washington; The Crossing at Stonebridge Ranch which features upscale single family homes set amidst rolling hillsides overlooking Lake Washington; Timberline Commons at Timberline Ridge featuring luxury single family homes set atop acres of forested property ;and finally Windermere at Windermere featuring brand new luxury condos just minutes from downtown Seattle

Price Index: Seattle-Bellevue-Kent, WA (MSAD)

Zip codes in Sammamish


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