Zip Code:

98074, Sammamish, WA

98074 is a Washington Zip code within the city of Sammamish and the county of King County. Its population is roughly 28,775.

Real Estate in the 98074 Zip Code of Sammamish, WA

The 98074 zip code of Sammamish, WA is located in the northwest corner of King County. The 98074 zip code has a population of approximately 73,000 people and an average household size of 2.64 people. The median age in the 98074 zip code is 38 years old and the median income is $106,000.

The average home value in the 98074 zip code is $527,500 which represents a 0% increase from last year. The average home value in King County as a whole is $550,000 which represents a 1% increase from last year.

There are currently 10 active listings for homes in the 98074 zip code with an average list price of $549,900. This represents an 8% decrease from last year when there were 12 active listings with an average list price of $571,500. There have been no new listings listed for homes in the 98074 zip code since January 1st 2018.

Price Index: Seattle-Bellevue-Kent, WA (MSAD)

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