Zip Code:

01220, Adams, MA

01220 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of Adams and the county of Berkshire County. Its population is roughly 8,179.

The Real Estate Market in the 1220 Zip Code of Adams, MA

Adams, MA is located in the 1220 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $269,000. Adams has a population of about 10,000 people. The median age of the population in this zip code is 41 years old.

There are a total of 2,871 homes in the 1220 zip code. The majority of homes (about 1,900) are single family homes. There are also a number of condos and apartments (about 100) in this zip code. About 350 homes are owned by individuals and families who live outside of Adams County. The remainder (about 700) are owned by businesses or other organizations.

The average price per square foot for all homes in the 1220 zip code is $142. This means that on average, each square foot of land in this zipcode is worth about $1,422 dollars. This makes Adams one of the more expensive places to live in Massachusetts according to data from Zillow .

The average price per square foot for single family homes is $172 which is higher than the state average ($146). However, condos and apartments have an average price per square foot that is lower than both the state average ($128) and national average ($152).

The reason that Adams has a higher price per square foot for single family homes than condos or apartments may be due to its location within Boston which has high demand for housing and limited supply . Additionally, many people who live in Adams commute into Boston which could add to prices seen within this particular area .

Price Index: Pittsfield, MA

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