Zip Code:

02035, Foxboro, MA

02035 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of Foxboro and the county of Norfolk County. Its population is roughly 17,727.

The Future of Real Estate in Foxboro, MA

The 2035 zip code of Foxboro, MA is home to a population of about 103,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $161,000, and the median home value is $1.2 million. In terms of home equity, the average homeowner in this zip code has approximately $236,000 in equity in their homes.

The Foxboro market has seen strong growth over the past few years. The average home value in this zip code has increased by almost 25% since 2013, and the median household income has also grown by almost 10%. This strong growth indicates that there are plenty of potential buyers and sellers in the Foxboro area who are looking to invest in property.

One reason why the Foxboro market is so hot right now is because there are a lot of new developments being built nearby. These developments include a new shopping mall and a new residential development that will be filled with luxury apartments. These new developments are likely to attract more buyers and sellers to the area over time, which will help to keep prices high.

Despite all of these positive factors working in favor of the Foxboro market right now, there are still some risks that could affect prices down the road. For example, if interest rates start to rise again then it could become harder for people to afford homes outright or borrow money against their homes' equity. Additionally, if there were any major economic downturns within the next few years then prices could fall significantly as well. However, overall it seems like the Foxboro market is headed for continued success over the next few years

Price Index: Boston, MA (MSAD)

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