Zip Code:

02459, Newton Center, MA

02459 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of Newton Center and the county of Middlesex County. Its population is roughly 19,012.

The Real Estate Market in the 2459 Zip Code of Newton Center, MA

Newton Center is located in the 2459 zip code of Massachusetts. According to the 2010 census, the population of Newton Center was 7,898. The median household income in Newton Center was $102,972, and the median family income was $119,564. The percentage of families with children under 18 living in poverty was only 2.4%.

The home equity and home prices in Newton Center are very high compared to other parts of Massachusetts. The average home value in Newton Center is $368,000, which is more than twice the statewide average of $157,500. In addition, the percentage of homes with a mortgage in Newton Center is also much higher than statewide averages: 30% vs 18%. This suggests that many people in Newton Center are able to afford to buy homes even if their incomes are not as high as those in other parts of Massachusetts.

One reason for this high level of home values and mortgage ownership may be that there is a large concentration of wealthy residents in Newton Centre. The median household income in Newton Centre is almost three times higher than the statewide median income. Furthermore, over 60% of households in Newton Centre have at least one member who earns over $100K per year. These high levels of wealth may make it easier for people to afford homes even if their incomes are not high enough to live comfortably elsewhere in Massachusetts.

Price Index: Cambridge-Newton-Framingham, MA (MSAD)

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