
Newton Center, MA

Newton Center is a city in the state of massachusetts with a population of roughly 19,012. It is in Middlesex County, Massachusetts the Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Boston-Worcester-Providence, MA-RI-NH-CT combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 02459 .

The Changing Face of Newton Center: Trends in Home Prices

Newton Center is a small town located in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. The population of Newton Center was 10,836 as of the 2010 census. The median household income in Newton Center is $101,912, which is higher than the national median household income of $57,617.

The real estate market in Newton Center is very competitive. There are a limited number of homes available for sale and most homes are sold within a few weeks of being listed. Home prices in Newton Center range from $300,000 to $1 million.

Newton Center is located within close proximity to Boston and its many attractions. The town has several parks and recreation facilities that offer residents opportunities to enjoy nature and exercise. There are also several businesses located in Newton Center that provide services such as hair styling and car repair.

Overall, the real estate market in Newton Centre is strong and there are many people who are interested in purchasing or leasing a home here. If you're looking for a quiet community with excellent schools and access to major metropolitan areas, then Newton Centre may be the perfect place for you!

Price Index: Cambridge-Newton-Framingham, MA (MSAD)

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