Zip Code:

07087, Union City, NJ

07087 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Union City and the county of Hudson County. Its population is roughly 68,256.

The Real Estate Market in the 7087 Zip Code of Union City, NJ

Union City, NJ is located in the 7087 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Union City had a population of 34,816. The median household income was $86,527 and the median family income was $105,912. Home equity in Union City is currently at an all-time high with home prices reaching an all-time high of $269,000 as of May 2017.

The average home value in Union City has increased by over 100% since 2000 and has consistently been one of the most expensive zip codes in New Jersey. In addition to being one of the most expensive zip codes in New Jersey, Union City also ranks as one of the most expensive zip codes in the United States. This is likely due to a combination of factors including strong job growth and low interest rates.

One important factor that affects home values is interest rates. Since 2000, interest rates have remained relatively low which has helped to drive up home values in Union City. Low interest rates are also beneficial for buyers because they make it more affordable to purchase a home and pay off debt early.

Another important factor that affects home values is demand for homes. As demand for homes increases, so does the price tag on homes which is why it’s important for buyers to research their local market before making an offer on a property. If you’re looking to buy a property in Union City be sure to consult with a real estate agent who can help you understand what properties are available and how much they’re worth

Price Index: New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)

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