Zip Code:

07834, Denville, NJ

07834 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Denville and the county of Morris County. Its population is roughly 17,826.

The Real Estate Market in the 7834 Zip Code of Denville, NJ

The 7834 zip code of Denville, NJ has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $145,000. The average home size in the 7834 zip code is 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. The population in the 7834 zip code is approximately 7,500 people.

Denville is a small town located in Morris County just north of Morristown. It was first settled in 1679 by Dutch immigrants and was named after the city of Den Bosch in Holland. The town grew rapidly during the 1800s as it became an agricultural center for produce distribution to New York City. By 1920, Denville had a population of 10,000 and boasted two banks, three churches, six schools and four factories. However, during the Great Depression many businesses closed down and by 1950 the population had decreased to 5,800.

Since then Denville has experienced steady growth as new businesses have been established and older ones have been renovated or replaced. Today there are over 10 restaurants within walking distance of each other as well as several retail stores including a Walmart Supercenter and Barnes & Noble bookstore. In addition to its thriving business community there are also several parks including Memorial Park which features a pool complex with waterslides as well as tennis courts and basketball courts; Veterans Park which includes an 18-hole golf course; Hillside Park with playgrounds; Liberty Park with baseball fields; Franklin Field with soccer fields; plus numerous smaller parks throughout the town providing residents with plenty of opportunities to get outside and enjoy nature.

Despite its recent growth spurt Denville remains a small town that is easy to get around thanks to its well-maintained roads and sidewalks as well as its frequent bus service which makes it convenient for residents to commute into Morristown or Newark for work or school without having to worry about traffic congestion or parking problems. In addition, because it is located just north of Morristown there are plenty of shopping options available should residents need something specific that isn't available locally such as groceries or clothing items not found at local retailers such as Kohl's or JCPenney's department stores which are both located closer to larger cities than Denville is geographically situated within commuting distance from.

Price Index: Newark, NJ-PA (MSAD)

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