Zip Code:
07901 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Summit and the county of Union County. Its population is roughly 23,567.
The 7901 zip code of Summit, NJ has a median home value of $269,500. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $217,500 and the national median home value of $177,000. The zip code also has a lower than average percentage of homeowners with mortgages at 66%. This indicates that most homeowners in this zip code are able to borrow against their homes equity to finance their purchase.
The 7901 zip code also has a high percentage of owner-occupied homes (77%), which is higher than the statewide average (64%) and the national average (63%). This indicates that many residents in this area are able to benefit from rising home prices by owning their homes rather than renting them. Additionally, the percentage of renter-occupied homes in this zip code is low at just 12%. This indicates that most residents in this area are able to afford to buy a home even if they do not have access to a mortgage.
Price Index: Newark, NJ-PA (MSAD)
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
07928 | 18,827 | 833.3 | America/New_York | 40.72620 | -74.41252 | Chatham | Morris County | New Jersey |
07081 | 17,406 | 1,303.2 | America/New_York | 40.69948 | -74.32543 | Springfield | Union County | New Jersey |
07974 | 12,391 | 1,197.5 | America/New_York | 40.69730 | -74.40310 | New Providence | Union County | New Jersey |