Zip Code:

08096, Woodbury, NJ

08096 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Woodbury and the county of Gloucester County. Its population is roughly 35,190.

Woodbury Real Estate: A Look at the 8096 Zip Code

Woodbury, NJ is located in the 8096 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Woodbury was 21,836. The median household income in Woodbury was $92,721. Home equity and home prices in Woodbury are among the highest in New Jersey.

The average home price in Woodbury was $269,000 as of February 2015. The average home equity value as of February 2015 was $248,000. Home prices have increased by an average of 10% each year since 2000. In addition, there has been a significant increase in home equity values over the past five years alone.

The majority of homes in Woodbury are owned by individuals or couples who are between the ages of 25 and 44 years old. There is also a high percentage of owner-occupied homes (70%) and a low percentage of rental properties (10%). This suggests that homeownership is favored over renting when it comes to housing choices in this area.

One reason for the high demand for housing in Woodbury may be its close proximity to major cities such as New York City and Philadelphia. These cities offer a variety of job opportunities and cultural attractions that many residents may find desirable. Additionally, many people who live in Woodbury commute to work either within Bergen County or outside Bergen County depending on their job location.

Price Index: Camden, NJ (MSAD)

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