Zip Code:

11965, Shelter Island Heights, NY

11965 is a New York Zip code within the city of Shelter Island Heights and the county of Suffolk County. Its population is roughly 380.

The Real Estate Market in the 11965 Zip Code of Shelter Island Heights, NY.

Shelter Island Heights, NY is located in Suffolk County and has a population of approximately 9,000. The 11965 zip code has a median household income of $130,000 and a median home value of $1.5 million. Shelter Island Heights is one of the wealthiest zip codes in the country and has some of the highest home values in all of New York State.

The average home value in Shelter Island Heights is more than twice the national average and more than four times the statewide average. The high home values are due to both the affluent population and the excellent quality of life on Shelter Island Heights. The community is located on an island just off Long Island Sound, which makes it a desirable location to live.

Home equity is an important part of many people's lives, and it plays an important role in determining how well people can afford to live their lives. Home equity refers to the value of a person's homes minus any outstanding mortgages or other debts on those homes. Home equity is one measure that economists use to measure people's overall wealth.

According to data from Zillow, the average home value in Shelter Island Heights was $1,521,200 as of March 2018. This means that homeowners in this zip code have an overall net worth (the sum total of all their assets) that is more than four times greater than what homeowners nationwide had as of that same date! In addition, nearly half (48%)of all homeowners in this zip code have at least 80% equity in their homes - meaning they own their homes outright without any debt attached! This high level of equity indicates that homeowners here are very confident about their ability to maintain their homes even if they experience economic downturns or other challenges down the road.

The high levels of home values also mean that there are plenty opportunities for buyers who want to purchase a house on Shelter Island Heights but don't have enough money up front to cover the entire purchase price outright. In fact, according to Zillow data, nearly two-thirds (64%)of all housing units on Shelter Island Heights are available for sale at some point during 2018 - which means there are plenty of potential buyers who can afford to buy a house here without having too much cash available up front!

Price Index: Nassau County-Suffolk County, NY (MSAD)

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