Zip Code:

13777, Glen Aubrey, NY

13777 is a New York Zip code within the city of Glen Aubrey and the county of Broome County. Its population is roughly 347.

The Real Estate Market in the 13777 Zip Code of Glen Aubrey, NY.

The 13777 zip code of Glen Aubrey, NY is located in the town of Glen Aubrey and has a population of approximately 2,000. The median household income in this zip code is $92,000 and the median home value is $269,500. The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied is 78% and the percentage of homes that are rented is 22%.

There has been an increase in home equity values over the past five years in this zip code. In 2012, the median home equity value was $223,500 and by 2016 it had increased to $269,500. This represents an increase of 33%. Over this same time period, the average rent price has also increased by 10%, from $2,800 to $3,200. This suggests that there may be more demand for housing in this zip code than there are available properties.

One factor that could contribute to this increase in home equity values is the low interest rates currently being offered on mortgages. In 2016, the interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 3.5%, which was below both the national average (4%) and New York State’s average (3%). These low interest rates may be encouraging more homeowners to refinance their mortgages into longer terms or take out new loans altogether.

Another potential reason for these increasing home equity values is that many homeowners have been able to use theirhome equity as collateral for a loan to purchase a new property or improve their current one. This type of borrowing allows homeowners to borrow against theirhome equity without having to sell any of their assets or take out a large loan amount upfront. By using theirhome equity as leverage, they can often get a lower interest rate on their loan than they would if they were borrowing directly from a bank or other lending institution.

While there are many factors contributingto the increasing home equity values in this zipcode overthe past five years, it appears that there may bemore demand for housing thanavailable properties at present. If youare thinking about purchasinga propertyin Glen Aubreyorare lookingforinformationabouthomesinthiszipcodeyoumaywanttoknowthattherehasbeenanincreaseinhomeequityvaluesoverthepastfiveyearsandthattheaveragerentpricehasalsoincreasedby10percentoverthistimeperiodsuggestingthatmorepeoplemaybeinterestedintheareathantherearepropertiesavailableforsale.(2016)

Price Index: Binghamton, NY

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