Zip Code:

17033, Hershey, PA

17033 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Hershey and the county of Dauphin County. Its population is roughly 17,751.

Hershey's Real Estate Market

The 17033 zip code of Hershey, PA is home to a population of over 108,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $106,000, and the median home value is $269,000. This makes the 17033 zip code one of the more affluent areas in Pennsylvania.

Despite this wealth, home equity and home prices have been on a downward trend for many years in the 17033 zip code. In fact, according to Zillow’s Home Value Index (HVI), the average home value in this zip code has decreased by over 10% since 2007. This decrease can be partially attributed to factors such as low interest rates and an overall slowdown in the economy. However, it is also likely that some homeowners are selling their homes at a loss due to increased competition from other buyers and decreasing values.

Despite these trends, there are still some homeowners who have seen their homes increase in value since 2007. For example, according to Zillow’s HVI data, the average home value in the 17033 zip code has increased by over 20% since 2007 for properties that are classified as “luxury homes” by Zillow. This indicates that there is still strong demand for luxury homes within this area despite decreases elsewhere on the market.

Overall, it seems that while home equity and home prices may be declining in many parts of Pennsylvania, they remain relatively stable within the 17033 zip code. This suggests that there may be opportunities for homeowners who are looking to sell their homes at a profit or who are looking for a luxurious property within this area.

Price Index: Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA

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