Zip Code:

19605, Reading, PA

19605 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Reading and the county of Berks County. Its population is roughly 19,833.

The Real Estate Market in the 19605 Zip Code of Reading, PA

Reading, PA is located in Berks County and has a population of approximately 137,000. The median household income in Reading is $60,000 and the median home value is $160,000. In the 19605 zip code, there are approximately 58,000 homes with an equity value of $100,000 or more. Home equity values have increased by an average of 11% annually over the past five years.

The majority of Reading's residents own their homes outright or with a low-interest loan. However, there has been a recent trend towards purchasing homes with HELOCs (home equity lines of credit). This is likely due to low interest rates and the availability of these products. Approximately one-third of Reading's homeowners have at least one HELOC outstanding.

There are several factors that contribute to home equity values in Reading:

1) The local economy continues to grow steadily – this benefits both homeowners who own their homes outright and those who have low-interest loans on their properties;

2) The local housing market remains stable – there has been little inflationary pressure on prices over the past few years;

3) There is ample available inventory – although demand for residential property remains high overall, there is still room for buyers to enter the market if they are interested in purchasing a home;

4) Homeownership rates remain high – despite some recent trends towards purchasing homes with HELOCs instead of buying outright, most homeowners continue to own their homes;

5) The average homeowner has had their home for 10 years or more – long-term stability in the local economy and housing market helps ensure that home equity values will continue to rise over time.

Price Index: Reading, PA

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