Zip Code:
19610 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Reading and the county of Berks County. Its population is roughly 15,417.
Reading, PA is a city located in Berks County, Pennsylvania. According to the 2010 census, Reading's population was 103,898. The 19610 zip code covers much of Reading and includes a variety of neighborhoods including downtown Reading and the neighborhoods of West Reading and East Reading. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past several years due to strong demand from buyers and limited supply of homes available for sale.
According to data from Zillow, home values in the 19610 zip code have increased by an average of 34% since 2013. In 2017, home values in this zip code reached an all-time high of $269,900. This increase has been driven by strong demand from buyers who are looking for affordable homes in a desirable area. In addition, there is limited supply of homes available for sale which has contributed to higher prices.
One factor that has helped drive up home prices in this area is the fact that Reading is a growing city with many new businesses opening up every year. This growth has created jobs and increased demand for housing which has led to higher home prices. Additionally, many people who live in this area commute into Philadelphia or other larger cities which adds to the demand for housing near major transportation hubs.
While home prices in this area are high compared to other areas of the country, they are still relatively affordable when compared to some other large cities such as San Francisco or New York City. If you are looking for a location that offers good value for your money and plenty of opportunity for growth, then you should consider buying a home in the 19610 zip code
Price Index: Reading, PA
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
19601 | 33,208 | 3,441.6 | America/New_York | 40.35261 | -75.94103 | Reading | Berks County | Pennsylvania |
19607 | 23,494 | 809.6 | America/New_York | 40.29164 | -75.94441 | Reading | Berks County | Pennsylvania |
19611 | 10,720 | 2,045 | America/New_York | 40.32476 | -75.94098 | Reading | Berks County | Pennsylvania |
19609 | 10,476 | 1,630.6 | America/New_York | 40.32801 | -75.99710 | Reading | Berks County | Pennsylvania |