Zip Code:

21001, Aberdeen, MD

21001 is a Maryland Zip code within the city of Aberdeen and the county of Harford County. Its population is roughly 24,752.

The Real Estate Market in Aberdeen, MD

Aberdeen, MD is located in the 21001 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Aberdeen was 10,819. The median household income in Aberdeen was $72,912. The median home value in Aberdeen was $252,000.

According to Zillow’s Home Value Index for ZIP codes in Maryland, the 21001 zip code has a median home value of $252,000 and a median household income of $72,912. This makes it one of the more affordable zip codes in Maryland for homeownership. Additionally, according to Trulia’s analysis of data from January 1st through December 31st 2016 (the most recent data available), there were an average of 2 homes for sale in the 21001 zip code and an average asking price of $253,500. This means that homes in this ZIP code are generally selling quickly and at a relatively high price point relative to other areas of Maryland.

Despite these positive factors, there are some caveats worth noting when discussing home equity and home prices in Aberdeen. First and foremost is that while homes within this ZIP code are generally selling quickly and at a high price point relative to other areas of Maryland, there is still significant demand for housing within this area – meaning that there is likely always going to be competition for available properties. Additionally, while Zillow’s Home Value Index shows that homes within the 21001 zip code are typically worth more than homes located elsewhere within Maryland (by a margin of almost 5%), this index does not account for factors such as location (i.e., close proximity to major metropolitan areas), size/layout/conditionofthehome(i.e., whether or notthehomehasamajorexpansionorupgradeplanned),andetc.. Finally – although it should be noted that no area is without its risks – it should also be noted that properties located within the 21001 zip code tend to have lower crime rates than properties located elsewhere throughout Maryland (accordingto FBI Crime Statistics). Taken together these factors suggest that homeownership opportunities within the 21001 zip code are definitely worth considering if you are looking for an affordable place to call home with good access to amenities and plentyofroomforgrowthandinvestmentovertime

Price Index: Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD

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