Zip Code:

24202, Bristol, VA

24202 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Bristol and the county of Washington County. Its population is roughly 11,127.

The Real Estate Market in the 24202 Zip Code of Bristol, VA

Bristol, VA is located in the 24202 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $199,900. The average home value in this zip code has increased by 9.5% over the past year. This is a higher increase than the national average of 7%.

The majority of homes in this zip code are owner-occupied. There are also a small number of homes that are rented out. The percentage of owner-occupied homes in this zip code is 82%. This is lower than the national percentage of owner-occupied homes at 85%.

The percentage of homes that are vacant in this zip code is 5%. This is lower than the national percentage of vacant homes at 8%.

The median household income in this zip code is $86,500. The median household income has increased by 10% over the past year. This is higher than the national average increase of 6%.

There are a total of 4 schools located within this zipcode. The most common type of school that students attend in this area is elementary school. Approximately 78% of students attending schools within this zipcode attend elementary schools.

Price Index: Kingsport-Bristol, TN-VA

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