Zip Code:

27410, Greensboro, NC

27410 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Greensboro and the county of Guilford County. Its population is roughly 55,707.

The Real Estate Market in the 27410 Zip Code of Greensboro, NC

The 27410 zip code of Greensboro, NC has a population of around 214,000 people and is located in the southeastern part of the state. The median home value in this zip code is $161,500 which is about average for the state of North Carolina. The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied is around 69% which is slightly higher than the statewide average of 66%. There are also a decent number of homes that are rented out which accounts for around 31% of all housing units in this zip code.

Home equity in this zip code has been growing at a fairly consistent rate over the past few years. In 2016, home equity increased by 2.8% compared to 2015 and by 3.4% compared to 2014. This trend seems to be continuing as home equity increased by 2.9% in 2017 and by 3.5% in 2018 so far. This indicates that there are plenty of homeowners who are benefiting from rising home prices and increasing home equity values.

There have been some fluctuations in home prices over the past few years but they seem to be slowly recovering from their lows earlier this decade. In December 2018, median home prices were up 0.7% from December 2017 and they were up 1% from December 2018 when compared to November 2018 data which indicates that there may be some stabilization underway in Greensboro's housing market at least for now..

Price Index: Greensboro-High Point, NC

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