Zip Code:

27518, Cary, NC

27518 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Cary and the county of Wake County. Its population is roughly 20,102.

The Real Estate Market in Cary, NC

Home equity is the difference between the market value of a home and what a homeowner owes on their mortgage. In Cary, NC, home equity averaged $217,000 in 2016. This means that homeowners in Cary had more than 20% of their home's value left over after paying off their mortgages and other debts.

The average price of a single-family home in Cary was $269,000 in 2016. This means that homeowners in Cary have seen an increase of nearly 10% since 2013. The increase is likely due to low interest rates and increased demand for housing in the area.

There are several factors that can affect the value of a home, including interest rates, local economic conditions, and zoning laws. While there is no guarantee that the value of homes will continue to rise in Cary, it is likely that they will continue to do so for at least another few years.

Price Index: Raleigh-Cary, NC

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