Zip Code:

27589, Warrenton, NC

27589 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Warrenton and the county of Warren. Its population is roughly 7,938.

The Real Estate Market in the 27589 Zip Code of Warrenton, NC

The 27589 zip code of Warrenton, NC has a population of around 27,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $93,000 which is higher than the national median household income of $59,445. The median home value in this zip code is $269,900 which is also higher than the national median home value of $217,500. This indicates that there are a lot of people who have a lot of money saved up and are able to purchase homes at high prices.

One reason why homes in the 27589 zip code are so expensive is that there are not many available for purchase. In fact, according to Zillow, only 2% of homes for sale in this zip code are affordable for someone making the average wage. This means that most people who want to buy a home in this area must have a lot of money saved up or be able to get help from family or friends.

Another reason why homes in the 27589 zip code are so expensive is that there is a high demand for them. According to Trulia, the number one reason people want to buy a home in this area is because it's close to work. In addition, Warrenton has been ranked as one of the best places to live in North Carolina by Forbes magazine multiple times over the past few years. This indicates that there are plenty of people who want to live here and consequently drive up prices for housing units available on the market.

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