Zip Code:

27886, Tarboro, NC

27886 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Tarboro and the county of Edgecombe County. Its population is roughly 20,280.

Real Estate in the 27886 Zip Code of Tarboro, NC

The 27886 zip code of Tarboro, NC is home to a population of around 16,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $51,500 and the median home value is $137,500. This means that the average person in this zip code has a net worth of around $146,000.

Home equity is important for many reasons. It can help people pay off debts or save for retirement. It can also be used to buy a new car or house. In the 27886 zip code of Tarboro, NC, the average person has around $86,000 in home equity. This means that the average person in this zip code can use their home equity to buy things like cars or houses.

The 27886 zip code of Tarboro, NC has seen a lot of growth over the past few years. The population here has grown by about 10% over the past five years and by about 15% over the past ten years. This growth has led to an increase in demand for homes and apartments in this area. As a result, prices have gone up significantly over the past few years. The average home value in this zip code now stands at $137,500 which is up from $128,900 back in 2010!

Price Index: Rocky Mount, NC

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