Zip Code:

28139, Rutherfordton, NC

28139 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Rutherfordton and the county of Rutherford County. Its population is roughly 20,467.

Rutherfordton's Real Estate Market

Rutherfordton, NC is located in the southeastern corner of North Carolina and has a population of just over 10,000 people. The 28139 zip code covers just over 2 square miles and has a median home value of $128,000. Home prices have increased steadily in Rutherfordton over the past few years, reaching a peak in 2017 at $135,000. However, since then they have slowly declined to their current level of $128,000.

The main drivers of home prices in Rutherfordton are likely local demand and supply. Local demand is driven by population growth and job opportunities while supply is constrained by available land and limited inventory. In addition, Rutherfordton has seen strong appreciation rates due to its location near major metropolitan areas such as Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham. This strong demand has helped to keep prices high despite low inventory levels which could lead to increased competition among buyers.

While home prices have been increasing steadily in Rutherfordton over the past few years, there are some risks associated with this market that should be considered before making an investment decision. For example, interest rates are currently at historic lows which could lead to higher borrowing costs down the road if interest rates increase significantly. Additionally, there is potential for a housing market crash given that there are many other markets around the country that have experienced similar declines recently. While these risks should be taken into account when making any investment decisions, it is important to remember that home values can always go down as well so it is important not to put all your eggs in one basket!

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