Zip Code:

28173, Waxhaw, NC

28173 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Waxhaw and the county of Union County. Its population is roughly 59,559.

The Real Estate Market in Waxhaw, NC

The 28173 zip code of Waxhaw, NC has a median home value of $128,000. The home equity in this zip code is $50,000. The average home price in the United States is currently $194,500. This means that the home equity in the 28173 zip code is only 31% of the average home price in the United States.

There are a number of factors that could be contributing to this low percentage:

-The current market conditions may be causing people to sell their homes at a lower price than they would have if things were more stable.

-People who are buying homes may be doing so at a lower rate than they would have if things were more stable.

-People who are already homeowners may not want to sell their homes because they feel like they can't get as high of a price as they would like.

Price Index: Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC

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