Zip Code:

28352, Laurinburg, NC

28352 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Laurinburg and the county of Scotland County. Its population is roughly 25,575.

The Real Estate Market in the 28352 Zip Code of Laurinburg, North Carolina.

The 28352 zip code of Laurinburg, North Carolina is located in the southeastern corner of the state and has a population of just over 10,000 people. Home prices in this zip code have been on the rise for several years now, and they are currently among the highest in the state. In fact, according to Zillow, the median home value in this zip code is $269,900.

One reason that home prices in this zip code are so high is that there is a lot of demand for property here. The city of Laurinburg is located near several major universities (including Appalachian State University and UNC-Chapel Hill) and has a large population of young adults who are looking for affordable housing. Additionally, Laurinburg is situated near several tourist destinations (including Mount Mitchell National Forest and Cherokee National Forest), which means that there is a lot of potential demand for property here too.

Another reason why home prices in this zip code are so high is because there are very few homes available for sale. According to Zillow, only 5% of homes in this zip code are available for sale at any given time. This means that buyers have plenty of opportunity to purchase properties in this area at high prices.

Overall, it seems clear that home prices in the 28352 zip code of Laurinburg, NC are on the rise due to strong demand from buyers and limited availability from sellers. If you're looking to buy a property in this area or if you're thinking about investing in one of these homes, be sure to do your research carefully before making any decisions!

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