Zip Code:

28515, Bayboro, NC

28515 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Bayboro and the county of Pamlico County. Its population is roughly 2,606.

Real Estate in the 28515 Zip Code of Bayboro, NC

The 28515 zip code of Bayboro, North Carolina is located in the southeastern corner of the state and includes a mix of suburban and rural areas. The median home value in this zip code was $227,500 as of September 2017. This is below the statewide median home value of $269,900 but above the national median home value of $217,600.

Home equity is important to many people because it provides them with a cushion against unexpected expenses or declines in their income. Home prices are also important to many people because they are one factor that determines whether they can afford to buy a house or not.

There are several factors that affect home prices in Bayboro. These include local economic conditions (such as job growth), interest rates, supply and demand (the number of homes available for sale), and demographic factors (such as age and race).

Bayboro has seen moderate job growth over the past few years, which has helped to increase demand for homes. However, there have been some concerns about the future of the economy here due to uncertainties about trade negotiations between the United States and other countries. If these negotiations result in increased tariffs on imports from other countries, this could lead to slower economic growth and lower demand for homes. In addition, there have been recent reports that some buyers who were expecting to be able to purchase homes immediately after buying their houses have had difficulty doing so because there are not enough houses available for sale at current prices. This suggests that there may be limited availability of housing stock even if interest rates stay low or go down further in future years.

Despite these challenges, Bayboro's overall economy has remained relatively strong over the past few years compared with other parts of North Carolina. This may help to keep housing prices relatively high even if interest rates go down further in future years or economic conditions change adversely elsewhere in the country.

Price Index: New Bern, NC

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