Zip Code:

28532, Havelock, NC

28532 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Havelock and the county of Craven County. Its population is roughly 22,220.

The Real Estate Market in Havelock, NC

Home equity is a measure of the value of a home minus any outstanding mortgages or other liens on the property. In Havelock, NC, the average home equity was $101,000 in 2016. This is up from $86,000 in 2015 and $81,000 in 2014.

The Havelock 28532 zip code had an annualized rate of growth of 5.5% from 2007 to 2016. This means that the average home equity grew by 5.5% each year during that time frame.

The Havelock 28532 zip code had an annualized rate of growth of 6% from 2005 to 2007. This means that the average home equity grew by 6% each year during that time frame.

There are several factors that can affect a home’s value and Home Equity Growth Rate: interest rates, market conditions (including prices and inventory), local government regulations (e.g., zoning), and personal factors (such as credit score).

Interest rates are one factor that can affect a home’s value and Home Equity Growth Rate; when interest rates are high, it can be more difficult for people to afford homes with high mortgage balances and they may be more likely to sell their homes sooner than they would if interest rates were lower.

Market conditions (including prices and inventory) can also affect a home’s value and Home Equity Growth Rate; when there is increased demand for homes but limited supply, prices will rise and the Home Equity Growth Rate will be higher than when there is excess supply or low demand for homes.

Local government regulations (e.g., zoning) can also affect a home’s value and Home Equity Growth Rate; if there are restrictions on how many houses or apartments can be built near a particular area, this could lead to increased demand for properties located within those boundaries which would increase their values relative to areas without such restrictions which would then cause the Home Equity Growth Rate to be higher than it would otherwise be because there would be more available homes for sale at higher prices relative to other areas in the same city/town/village etc..

Personal factors (such as credit score) can also affect a home’s value and Home Equity Growth Rate; people with good credit scores may have easier access to financing which could lead to faster appreciation in their property's value than someone who has poorer credit score might experience over time..

Price Index: New Bern, NC

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