Zip Code:

28540, Jacksonville, NC

28540 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Jacksonville and the county of Onslow County. Its population is roughly 49,144.

The Real Estate Market in the 28540 Zip Code of Jacksonville, NC

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 28540 Zip Code of Jacksonville, NC

The 28540 zip code of Jacksonville, NC has a median home value of $171,500. This is higher than the national median home value of $161,600. The 28540 zip code also has a higher than average percentage of home values over $200,000. This indicates that there are more expensive homes in this area than average.

The average sale price for homes in the 28540 zip code was $187,500 in 2017. This is lower than the national average sale price for homes which was $247,900 that year. However, this does not mean that there are not expensive homes available in the 28540 zip code. In fact, there are many expensive homes available in this area. The most expensive home that was sold in 2017 was located in the 28540 zip code and had a sale price of $269,000.

Price Index: Jacksonville, NC

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