Zip Code:

28551, La Grange, NC

28551 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of La Grange and the county of Lenoir County. Its population is roughly 14,684.

The Real Estate Market in the 28551 Zip Code of La Grange, NC

The 28551 zip code of La Grange, NC has a median home value of $142,000 and a median home equity value of $119,000. The average home in this zip code was built in 1988 and is approximately 2,500 square feet. The percentage of homes in this zip code that are owner-occupied is 69%, while the percentage of homes that are rented is 31%.

There are a total of 1,814 households in the 28551 zip code. The average household size is 2.59 people and the average family size is 3.06 people. The percent of households with children under 18 living with them is 33%. The percent of households with unmarried partners living with them is 10%.

The median income for a household in the 28551 zip code is $68,250 and the median income for a family is $75,750. The percent of households that have zero income is 5%.

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