Zip Code:

28590, Winterville, NC

28590 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Winterville and the county of Pitt County. Its population is roughly 25,032.

The Real Estate Market in the 28590 Zip Code of Winterville, NC

The 28590 zip code of Winterville, NC is located in the western part of the state and has a population of around 10,000. The median household income in this zip code is $60,000 and the median home value is $175,000. The average home equity loan amount in this zip code is $128,500.

There are a number of factors that affect home equity values and home prices in any given area. In general, homes that are closer to major cities or suburbs tend to have higher values than homes located in rural areas. Additionally, homes that are newer or have been recently renovated tend to have higher values than older homes. Finally, location – specifically whether a neighborhood is affluent or not – can also affect prices significantly.

Overall, it appears that homeownership rates in the 28590 zip code are high relative to other parts of the state. This may be due in part to the relatively low cost of living here compared to other areas of North Carolina or simply because more people own their homes here than elsewhere. Additionally, it seems that most homeowners here have strong credit scores which helps protect their investments against potential financial setbacks down the road.

Price Index: Greenville, NC

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