Zip Code:
28792 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Hendersonville and the county of Henderson County. Its population is roughly 34,703.
The 28792 zip code of Hendersonville, NC is located in the Western North Carolina region and has a population of around 25,000. The median home value in this zip code is $191,500 which is about average for the region. The median home equity in this zip code is $102,500 which is also about average for the region.
There are a number of factors that could contribute to the high home values and home equity in this zip code. One reason may be that Hendersonville is a growing city with many families looking to buy their first homes or upgrade their current homes. Additionally, Hendersonville has a strong economy with good job prospects and low unemployment rates. These factors have led to increased demand for housing and increased prices for homes and home equity.
Despite these positive factors, there are some risks associated with buying or owning a home in the 28792 zip code of Hendersonville, NC. One risk may be that interest rates could rise over time which would decrease the value of homeowners' homes. Another risk may be that the market could decline causing homeowners' homes to lose value faster than they expected. Despite these risks, homeowners in the 28792 zip code should feel confident that their homes are worth investing in given the overall stability of the local economy and market conditions at present.
Price Index: Asheville, NC
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
28739 | 21,492 | 123.7 | America/New_York | 35.26360 | -82.54640 | Hendersonville | Henderson County | North Carolina |