Zip Code:

32301, Tallahassee, FL

32301 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Tallahassee and the county of Leon County. Its population is roughly 31,317.

The Real Estate Market in the 32301 Zip Code of Tallahassee, FL

The 32301 zip code of Tallahassee, FL has a median home value of $118,000. This is a decrease from the previous year when the median home value was $128,000. The decrease in home values can be attributed to a number of factors such as low inventory levels and increased demand from buyers.

One factor that could positively impact home values in the 32301 zip code is an increase in jobs. A strong economy will lead to more people buying homes and investing in property, which will drive up prices. Additionally, if interest rates rise again (they have been on the rise recently), homeowners who are refinancing their mortgages may be able to get better terms which would also boost prices.

Despite these positive factors, there are still areas where home values may decline. For example, if there is an economic recession or a natural disaster that affects the area where homes are located then prices could go down as well.

Price Index: Tallahassee, FL

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