Zip Code:

33709, Saint Petersburg, FL

33709 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Saint Petersburg and the county of Pinellas County. Its population is roughly 24,619.

The Real Estate Market in Saint Petersburg, Florida

Home Equity in Saint Petersburg, FL

The home equity in Saint Petersburg, FL is $269,000. This is a decrease of $7,000 from the previous year. The average home value in the 33709 zip code is $272,600. This is an increase of 2% from the previous year.

Home Prices in Saint Petersburg, FL

The home prices in Saint Petersburg, FL are $263,200. This is a decrease of $3,200 from the previous year. The average home value in the 33709 zip code is $267,100. This is an increase of 1% from the previous year

Price Index: Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL

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