Zip Code:

34602, Brooksville, FL

34602 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Brooksville and the county of Hernando County. Its population is roughly 7,697.

The Real Estate Market in the 34602 Zip Code of Brooksville, FL

The 34602 zip code of Brooksville, FL is located in Hillsborough County and has a population of approximately 30,000. The median household income in this zip code is $60,000 and the median home value is $185,000. The average home size is 2,500 square feet and there are an estimated 1,200 single family homes and 700 condos in the area.

Brooksville has seen a significant increase in home values over the past few years. In January of 2016, the median home value was $165,000 which increased to $185,000 by December of 2018. This represents an increase of over 20% during that time period. Additionally, the number of single family homes has increased by 10% while the number of condos have decreased by 10%. This indicates that most homeowners are purchasing homes rather than renting them.

The reason for this increase in home values can be attributed to several factors including low unemployment rates (4%), strong economy (3rd highest GDP per capita), low interest rates (0.25%), and limited inventory (1st lowest). Additionally, Brooksville is located close to major cities such as Tampa Bay (30 minutes), Orlando (1 hour), and Jacksonville (2 hours). These factors make it an attractive place to live and purchase a home.

Price Index: Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL

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