Zip Code:

34613, Brooksville, FL

34613 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Brooksville and the county of Hernando County. Its population is roughly 17,924.

The Real Estate Market in the 34613 Zip Code of Brooksville, FL

Brooksville, FL is located in the 34613 zip code. The 34613 zip code has a population of around 16,000 people. The median household income in the 34613 zip code is $59,000. Home prices in the 34613 zip code have increased significantly over the past few years. In March of 2016, home prices were estimated to be $191,500. As of September of 2018, home prices had increased to an estimated value of $269,500. This significant increase in home values has led to a rise in home equity for residents in the 34613 zip code.

The average amount of home equity held by residents in the 34613 zip code is $127,000. This represents a significant increase from the average amount of home equity held by residents just five years ago - when that average amount was $69,000. This increase can be attributed to several factors: 1) an overall increase in housing values throughout Florida; 2) low interest rates that have made it easier for homeowners to pay off their mortgages; and 3) improvements made to homes over time (such as updated insulation and roofing).

While there are some risks associated with having high levels of home equity - such as potential problems if house prices decline or if borrowers cannot afford to pay their mortgages - overall homeownership rates are at all-time highs and remain relatively stable across different socioeconomic groups nationwide (meaning that most people who own homes do so responsibly). Additionally, Brooksville residents who have high levels of home equity are likely very confident about their financial situation and are unlikely to need any type of financial assistance – such as refinancing or obtaining a loan – during tough economic times.

Price Index: Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL

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