Zip Code:

36619, Mobile, AL

36619 is a Alabama Zip code within the city of Mobile and the county of Mobile County. Its population is roughly 15,507.

The Real Estate Market in the 36619 Zip Code of Mobile, Alabama

Mobile, Alabama is located in the southeastern region of the United States. The city has a population of just over 251,000 people and covers an area of about 115 square miles. Mobile is known for its seafood and Gulf Coast culture.

The median home price in Mobile is $142,500 which is lower than the national median home price of $217,500. However, Mobile's home prices are still higher than most other cities in Alabama. The average commute time to work in Mobile is about 25 minutes which is shorter than the national average commute time of 29 minutes.

In terms of demographics, Mobile is mostly made up of white residents with a small minority population. The city has a high percentage of college graduates which may be due to its strong educational institutions like Samford University and Auburn University-Montgomery. There are also many businesses located in Mobile that provide jobs for residents including ExxonMobil and Boeing.

Price Index: Mobile, AL

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