Zip Code:

37020, Bell Buckle, TN

37020 is a Tennessee Zip code within the city of Bell Buckle and the county of Bedford County. Its population is roughly 5,984.

Real Estate in the 37020 Zip Code of Bell Buckle, TN

Bell Buckle is located in the 37020 zip code of Williamson County, Tennessee. According to the 2010 census, the population of Bell Buckle was 2,859. The median household income was $71,906. The median home value was $191,500.

The average home equity in Bell Buckle is $127,000. Home prices have increased by an average of 9% over the past five years. In 2009, the average home value was $183,400 and in 2013 it had increased to $215,600.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to this increase in home values in Bell Buckle:

-The availability of affordable housing: Bell Buckle has a low unemployment rate and a high percentage of homeownership (over 80%). This combination makes it an attractive place to live and buy a home

-Low interest rates: Interest rates have been relatively low for many years now which has helped to increase the value of homes

-Strong economy: The economy has been strong overall and this has helped to increase demand for homes and property throughout Tennessee

-Location: Bell Buckle is located within Williamson County which is one of the most affluent counties in Tennessee

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