Zip Code:

37664, Kingsport, TN

37664 is a Tennessee Zip code within the city of Kingsport and the county of Sullivan County. Its population is roughly 27,390.

The Real Estate Market in Kingsport, TN

The 37664 zip code of Kingsport, TN has a population of around 25,000 people and an average home value of $128,000. The median home value in the 37664 zip code is $116,500. The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied is around 68%. The percentage of homes that are renter-occupied is around 32%.

The median household income in the 37664 zip code is $50,000. The percentage of households that are below the poverty line is around 10%. The percentage of households that have student loan debt is around 15%.

Price Index: Kingsport-Bristol, TN-VA

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