Zip Code:

38632, Hernando, MS

38632 is a Mississippi Zip code within the city of Hernando and the county of DeSoto County. Its population is roughly 27,838.

The Real Estate Market in the 38632 Zip Code of Hernando, Mississippi

The 38632 zip code of Hernando, MS has a median home value of $101,000 and a median home equity value of $119,000. These values are above the state median home value of $68,500 and the national median home equity value of $102,800. The majority (84%) of homes in the 38632 zip code are owner-occupied while 16% are occupied by renters. The average household size in this zip code is 2.5 people which is above the state average of 2.3 people and the national average of 2.2 people.

The top industries in this zip code are health care (19%), professional services (15%), retail trade (14%), and accommodation and food services (10%). The top employers in this zip code are Baptist Health South Mississippi (24%), Walmart Supercenter Incorporated (15%), Delta Air Lines Incorporated (13%), and Methodist Hospital Corporation (12%).

Price Index: Memphis, TN-MS-AR

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