Zip Code:

39047, Brandon, MS

39047 is a Mississippi Zip code within the city of Brandon and the county of Rankin County. Its population is roughly 39,426.

Brandon Real Estate: A Look at the Markets

Brandon, Mississippi is located in the southwestern part of the state and has a population of about 26,000. The 39047 zip code covers about 1 square mile and has a median home value of $105,000. Home equity is important to many people because it provides them with an asset that can provide them with financial stability in times of need.

Home equity is also important because it can be used as collateral to obtain loans. In Brandon, home equity is especially valuable because there are few other assets available to borrowers. This means that borrowers have a greater incentive to pay their debts back quickly.

The average rate on loans in Brandon is around 5%. This means that if you want to borrow money to buy a house in Brandon, you will need to have at least 5% of the purchase price available as collateral. Because home values are so high in Brandon, most borrowers are able to secure loans with very little down payment.

Price Index: Jackson, MS

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