Zip Code:

41005, Burlington, KY

41005 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Burlington and the county of Boone County. Its population is roughly 24,451.

The Real Estate Market in the 41005 Zip Code of Burlington, KY

Burlington, KY is located in the 41005 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $123,600. The average home value in this zip code has increased by 5.8% over the past year and has increased by 9.7% over the past five years. Over the past year, there have been a total of 1,871 homes sold in this zip code. In comparison to other zip codes within Kentucky, Burlington's home values are above average.

The main reason for the increase in home values within Burlington is likely due to an influx of new residents and businesses into the area. This influx has led to an increase in demand for housing and property prices within Burlington. Additionally, many homeowners who live in Burlington have decided to sell their homes because they believe that prices will continue to rise over time. As long as there is continued growth within the local economy and population, it is likely that home values will continue to increase in Burlington

Price Index: Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN

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